In Coin Master you can use Pets to give you an almost unfair advantage. For example you can double the amount of coins you can raid from someone, or prevent your village from being attacked. In this post I tell you what you need to do to use your pets the best way.
These Pets are available
There are 3 kinds of Pets available in Coin Master.
- First there is the Tiger. The tiger gives you an advantage in Attacks. When you use the tiger you get an extra amount of coins when attacking someone (up to 410% of the attack value). Since attacks are quite common this animal can help you a lot in stacking your coins. Use the tiger best during Attack Madness.
- Second pet in Coin Master is Foxy. Foxy gives you an advantage during raids. When Foxy is active you get extra coins in raids up to 106% of the amount you raided. Raids can give you over 10 billion coins (at 100x) in a single raid. Foxy is my favorite pet in Coin Master. At least until you are at village 221. But I tell you later more on that.
- Third is Rhino. The rhino helps you prevent your from getting attacked. For a percentage of attacks Rhino gives you a shield protecting your precious items from being destroyed (up to 70%). Use the Rhino when you build a village, but don’t have enough coins to complete it.
Update July 2023: Use Pets together
Since the July 2023 update you can use more than 1 pet at the same time. This means you can collect coins ultrafast, but also target multiple achievements in the achievements event at the same time. This is really helpful. So, make sure to collect your pet foods and use them to advance in the game really fast!
Hatch your Pets
Before you can use your Pets in Coin Master you have to hatch them. This is easy. Foxy is the first one that is available to you. When you get to village 4 Foxy can be hatched. For the other animals it is necessary to complete card sets. So, Tiger is available just for completing the Beast card collection; Rhino is available after you complete the creatures card collection. When a new pet is available you get a message to go to the pets section in Coin Master and click on the egg.
Upgrade your pets when you can
When you start using your pets the rewards you get for using them is not that high. For example, Tiger gives you 60% extra coins on an attack en and Rhino blocks attacks on you village only in 10% of the attacks. That’s why you need to upgrade your pets. You upgrade pets using the XP you collect. For each upgrade your rewards for that animal get bigger. If you don’t upgrade Foxy you get 16% more coins in each raid. When you upgrade your pet to level 47 you get 90% more rewards and at level 100 you are at 100%. The maximum extra rewards from Foxy are 119% when you are at level 400. Below you find the Coin Master Pets Level list for all three animals, as well as the Coin Master Pets Max levels. Don’t get scared, but to get to the max levels you need an awesome amount of XP.
Don’t forget to activate your pets
You get pet foods for playing the game, but also when you complete some card sets or in some Viking Quest stages. This Pet food you need to activate your animals. When activated you can use Foxy, Tiger of Rhino for 4 hours. These 4 hours are consecutive. It is not possible anymore to pause the time by selection another animal.
Free Foxy, Tiger or Rhino every day
Besides the normal pet activation you can use one animal daily for 15 minutes. When available you see a green pet food on the Coin Master slot screen. So, click on the animal and on the Free button to activate it. For the next 15 minutes you can benefit from Foxy, Tiger of Rhino. Of course do this when you are ready to play!
Coin Master Foxy level list
A lot of people have Foxy as their favorite pet. And they upgrade it every time they have enough XP. But they also ask themselves if there is a moment when your reward is 100% of the raid. And yes, that moment is when you reach level 100 in Foxy. In the Coin Master Foxy Level List below you see some important levels for Foxy.
- First level: 16 percent bonus on your raid
- Level 18: 50 percent
- Level 56: 90 percent
- Level 100: 100 percent
- Level 169: 105 percent
- Level 256: 110 percent
- Level 400: 119 percent bonus on your raid
Level 400 is the Coin Master Foxy Max Level on this moment. On this max level you get 119% bonus on your raid. This means you more than double your reward.
Coin Master Tiger Level List
As Tiger gives you more coins for an attack it is also a very good idea to upgrade Tiger. And since you get more attacks than raids this can be very rewarding. If you follow the Coin Master Tiger Level List you know which levels you have to reach to get the best rewards.
- First Level: 60% bonus on your attack
- Level 21: 200 percent
- Level 80: 300 percent
- Level 181: 400 percent
- Level 300: 417 percent bonus on your attack
Level 300 is the Coin Master Tiger Max Level. On this max level you get a bonus of over 400% on the value of your last attack.
Coin Master Rhino Level List
Rhino protects your village against attacks. But to be sure you protect your village the protection grade must be high. At those moments the Coin Master Rhino Level list comes in handy. In this list you see the protection grade of your Village. Of course you need to have some items build to protect.
- First level: 10% of the attacks blocked
- Level: 39: 50 percent
- Level 49: 60 percent
- Level 120: 70 percent
- Level 200: 70 percent
The Coin Master Rhino Max Level is 200. The protection grade for this max level is 70%. This means your village get’s protection in 70% of the cases (in which
My 50 cents on how to use pets best
Upgrade your Foxy first
Since coins are the most important assets in Coin Master Foxy is best to use. Foxy gives you extra coins from raids. The best way to use Foxy is in combination with the big raids tactics. This can give you almost 10 billion coins for every raid. This is far better than Tiger. At level 140 I get a maximum of 1.5 million for an attack. Multiplied by the maximum bet of 200x (for non vips) this gives you 300 million coins. If you get an extra 100% for using Tiger this is far lower than the winnings from Foxy. At least, until you are at village. Since the rewards for attacks get bigger in every village there is a turning point at this village. If the attack is not blocked you get more thant the 100 million coins for a raid. Blocked, though, the reward you get at this village is less than a raid.
My tip: If you have a baby account loose the shields and use this to attack and get the big rewards.
Upgrade Tiger if you have low raids
Even if you are not at village 221 already Tiger can be a very nice choice to use. For example, if you don’t use the big raids tactic raids are far less high. In this case it can be more useful to use Tiger in stead of Foxy. As stated above Tiger can give you about 300 million coins extra in village 140. For Raids up to a few million this is a better advantage than using Foxy. And Attacks are more common than raids of course.
Upgrade Rhino if you are a builder
Do you spend all your coins on villages, but have trouble completing them in one time than Rhino can help you. Especially at the higher villages the village cost explodes. To prevent your precious items from attacks Rhino can help you. Please note that Rhino doesn’t hold all attacks; it just helps in a percentage of attacks, but when an item cost like a billion coins this can be very well worth it. Upgrading Rhino can help you to block up to 70% of all attacks, and that is a fair share!
This is how I play Coin Master with pets
I am a coin stacker. This means I play for big raids and have almost all the time over 60 billion in Coins stacked. I have only a few friends in Coin Master and they also stack coins. We raid each other at maximum bet. This way it doesn’t matter if I get raided sometimes. In this tactic Foxy comes in best. Maximum raid for me about 50 million coins. Foxy is at level 97 with 99%, so maximum raid for me at bet x100 is like 10 billion coins. Villages complete faster and winning Viking Quest gets easy this way!
Tip: If you activate Foxy make sure you get these free spins. This gives you more shots at the big raids!
All your questions about pets answered
The tiger pet in Coin Master is available in village 3. The other 2 pets you can hatch by completing card sets. Foxy can be used if you complete X, Rhino can be used when completing card set Y.
Pets can help you during the game, at least if you feed them. If you use Foxy you get extra coins when raiding someone. If you use Tiger you get extra coins when attacking someone. Rhino defends you from attacks to your village.
If you activate your pet it will stay active for 4 hours from the moment you feed hem. There is no way to pause the time remaining. If you use the free pet button your pet will stay active for 15 minutes.
You can feed your pet by giving him pet food.
You get pet food just by playing the game. Once in a while you get rewarded new pet food. Other ways to get pet food is from completing some card sets, playing Viking Quest (sometimes) and of course if you need it you can buy it.
XP are experience points for your pet. You need XP to upgrade your pet. After that Foxy gives you more coins on raids, Tiger gives you more coins on attacks and Rhino protects your village from attacks more often!
How do you use pets in your Coin Master game plan?
What is your favorite animal and how do you use it in your game? Please let me know in the comments. This way we learn from each other!
Erik is a very experienced Coin Master player with over 4 years of experience. He is a multiple tournament winner and has yet over 260 villages completed. Also Erik participates in several Facebook groups and is a member of the “CM Drama Free” team.
Foxy gives me 91% from raides. I collected a lot experience points and have it to foxy. I got the next level, for the stars, but my raid bounds is still 91%
Is this normal or is it a bug?
No it’s not a bug. After 90% you need 2 or more upgrades to get an extra percentage. 99% is maximum for Foxy.
I am having trouble trying to get those generated spins My captcha isnt working so I have to be verified and go through a survey or buy a lu ktastic and put my zip code init and find where to put it in at. I cant find it and I have done those surveys so many times and get all those phone calls the next dayAnyway I have tried to finish those but cant. I would like for you to tell me how to get my captcha to work.I apprciate anything you can do for me Thank you Charlene Mclemore
Hello Charlene, I don’t know why your captcha isn’t working. Maybe for now you can stick to the regular free spins links.
My free pet food is reduced to 5 minutes per day, instead of 15 minutes.
Is it normal? I am at 165 level.
no it’s not… maybe a test from Coin Master. For me still 15 minutes a day.
How do you stack coins
99% is maximum for foxy ?
Or it update for 100 % ?
99% seems maximum. Haven’t found someone with 100% or more on Foxy. Tiger can get easily above 100%.
im 100% and this is max
My rhino is at 66% for protection I’ve upgraded 7x since I reached 66% and yet it hasn’t changed any higher. Rhino is at 69 with only 66% use this as high as it goes? How many times do I have to upgrade for it to advance higher? Thank you in advance.
Not sure, Jillian. I don’t use Rhino myself, but I do know you can’t protect your village 100% with rhino. Maybe 66% is maximum. I will ask around and let you know.
Third is Rhino. The rhino helps you prevent your from getting attacked. For a percentage of attacks Rhino gives you a shield protecting your precious items from being destroyed (up to 70%). Use the Rhino when you build a village, but don’t have enough coins to complete it.
I have all cards to hatch rhino, but I can not hatch him. Is there something I can do to hatch rhino?
Does your pet die or u loose ur per for not feeding it because u can’t get food
How often can you level up your pet I been doing it and noticed I dont keep my star count I should mention I don’t have a village building right now so they can’t attack it I was just wondering why I don’t keep the star account that is given to me when I upgrade my pet
Hello Bill, Foxy up to 99%. Tiger I don’t know, but you can get a long way. Rhino until about 40% I heard. Haven’t upgraded that one yet.
How do I use two pets at the same time
Hello Rach, You can’t use two pets at the same time, unfortunately. You have to select one and if you feed that one you can use it. It is not possible to have two pets active at the same time.
You can use 2 pets at same time.
Use 2 mobiles or use clone apk.
This is a great article for anyone who loves playing Coin Master and has a pet. It provides very helpful tips and tricks on how to use your pet to your advantage. I definitely recommend this article to anyone looking to maximize their pet in Coin Master!