diamond heist

Free Spins in the Diamond Heist

The Diamond Heist is one of the easiest ways to get free spins in Coin Master. This Heist is not one of the events, but is a combination of a gift and a paid way of getting free spins, xp and chests. In this post I tell you how you can use the Diamond Heist best.

Different names for the Diamond Heist

The offering exists under different names. Sometimes it is called Safe to fly or Under Attack. But the offering always consists of the same 3 parts. Actually there are three offers in one offer. And you have to take each deal to further reveal.

How does the Heist work?

Diamond heist 3 offers

As mentioned, The Diamond Heist consists of 3 parts. You have to unlock the first to open the second. and you have to open the second to unlock the third offer. The first offer can “cost” you different. The best offer is free of course. Most of the times the first offer is free. If it is you should definately take it. Sometimes the first offer costs real money and in a few cases you have to pay with coins you earned earlier in the game.

How do you play Diamond Heist best?

The best, and for me only way, to play the Diamond Heist is only go for the free offers and for the offers in Coin Master Coins. The offers that cost you real money are not worth it. Yes of course, if an offer cost you money the next offer is free almost al the times, but the number of spins are not worth it. There are much better ways to get your free Spins.

How do you get free Spins

If the first offer in Diamond Heist is free you should definitely take it. Offers that cost you real money are not worth it. A much better way to get your free spins is to look for the Coin Master Free spins and Coins link that are issued by Coin Master. I collect these links on the Free Spins page. Make sure you take a look there.

Have you ever bought a promotion like the Diamond Heist?

What offer did you buy and did it help you advance in Coin Master? Please tell us your thoughts about these promotion.

Content refreshed on March 3, 2023 by Erik Dekker

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