Viking quest spin for big rewards

Viking Quest: How to play and win

Viking Quest Bonus wheel Coin Master
screen shot from Coin Master game

Viking Quest is the mother of all quests in Coin Master. It was, and still is, an event in which you can win a big amount of spins. All you have to do is collect a huge amount of coins before you start. In order to help you reduce the number of coins you need to play this event, I wrote this article. Make sure you read it before you play this event again. By the way, the event is kind of similar to events like Snow Quest, Desert Quest and Tribal Quest. If you want to know everything about these events, make sure to read the posts about those specific events.

What is Viking Quest?

Viking Quest is a side event in Coin Master. In the event there are 10 missions you have to complete to get to the awesome rewards. You spin the wheel and bet the coins you have gathered in the game. For every mission you complete you get a small reward. Each mission is a little harder to complete than the previous, but the reward is a little better too.The last mission in Viking Quest is the hardest to play, but you will get a big stack of spins, and a new gold card.

Three variants of Viking Quest

Choose your reward in Viking Quest

A new feature in the Viking Quest event is that you can chose what level you want to play. This choice was first introduced in Tribal Quest, but now also used for Viking Quest. You chose between Small, Medium and Huge. This refers to the rewards in the event. In the small level you can win only spins, xp and a magical chest. You need the least coins for this event. In the medium event you can win 2 gold cards. One halfway the event and one, a guaranteed new one, in the final mission. In the huge level you can win three gold cards. Good to know is that these cards are in the final three chests. This means you have to play until the end and therefore need a huge amount of coins. The advantage of this level is that you win spins in almost every level.

When is Viking Quest?

There is no exact Viking Quest schedule when the Quest is on. A Quest is usually at the end of a main event and lasts for about 24 to 36 hours. Which quest is up is not known in front. So, you have about 1 day to complete all missions. But it is not for everyone. This event is only available for players who are in village 50 or higher. Check the game regularly when the next Viking Quest starts.

How to play Viking Quest

In Viking Quest there are different types of missions. There are missions in which you have to collect a certain amount of coins from the wheel. For each mission this amount gets bigger. The other missions are also about collecting coins from the wheel, but only coins that you win from the bonus wheel count. Most of the time these events are a little harder. Make sure you follow the strategies we talk about later in this post to reduce the amount of coins you need to complete this event.

Three final rewards in Coin Master

What are the rewards?

In Viking Quest you can win spins, coins, pet potions, xp, chests and above all: gold cards. To do this you have to have stacked a pile of coins and you are betting it to finish 10 missions. Before you have started to play this even you already get your first reward. You get some coins to get you started.

Important before you start Viking Quest

There are two important things you have to remember before you start Viking Quest. First is that you have a lot of coins stacked to play with. This depends if you choose small, medium or huge, but also on the village level you are on. The higher the village number, the bigger your rewards, the higher the amount of coins you need. But with the rewards you are able to grow your coins stack. And of course make sure you have a lot of spins ready to play on if you need to get some extra coins. Or play the Coin Craze event of course. With this event you multiply your coin wins in the game!

But before you start Viking Quest you need to be fully stacked; Coins and Spins. Get your daily free spins here!

Strategies to win Coin Master

Some people think they can Hack Coin Master when they play Viking Quest. Such a Coin Master Hack is not there. There are some strategies you can follow though to have a greater chance of winning Viking Quest without losing that much coins.

First method to win Viking Quest

The first and most used way to play Viking Quest is to play only until you finish level 6. In this level you get the first gold card. Depending on the village you are on you probably will need 1.5-2 billion coins. In the end you will get this using only a third of your stack. This is because you get winnings from a lot of combinations and you don’t need that much bonus wheel winnings. Therefore this way is easy, but you only get 1 gold card.

Second method

Viking Quest gold card
Screen shot from Coin Master game

If you are eager to also get the second gold card in Viking Quest you have to be prepared. Needed winnings go sky high. Especially if you are above village 100. Winnings from 4 billion up to 80 billion in the bonus wheel are needed. So the first, and easiest, method to get the second gold card is to stack an enormous amount of coins and pray. Pray that you will get a big win a strategic moments. Start playing at maximum bet and go do the laundry. Every once in a while check your winnings and start the next level. After quite a while you will see that you completed the last mission and you have both gold cards. Be aware that this method can cost you several billions of coins. But probably this method will complete you 1 or 2 sets. Make sure you use the big raids tactic to get enough coins stacked.

Third method of beating Viking Quest

If you don’t have to much coins stacked you can also try to get the second gold card. In this method you play all levels in which you have to win coins at maximum bet. The amount of winnings will probably be the same as the amount of coins betted. Only the Bonus wheel levels you play a little different. This is called the Coin Master Viking Quest bonus wheel trick. Since Bonus wheel doesn’t come too often you will start playing at the lowest bet. After like 12 to 20 bets (you find out what works best for you) you up the amount to maximum. This way you don’t lose this much coins in between bonus wheel spins. This bonus wheel trick requires a little attention and you counting spins, but can get you the bonus wheel without having to spend this enormous amount of coins.

Fourth method

viking quest winnings
Screen shot from coin master game

Another way to beat Viking Quest is looking at combinations of 3 hearts. It seems that chances of getting bonus wheel are higher just after you hit 3 hearts in a row. So play at minimum bet until you get 3 hearts, than set at maximum bet and go until you reach the bonus wheel. After this start again with the lowest bet.

What are your tips to play Viking Quest?

Did you find another way to play Viking Quest and be successful with it? Please share your Coin Master Viking Quest tips with all people around. And don’t forget that Viking Quest is one of the best ways to recover when you have lost all your spins! Thank you!

42 thoughts on “Viking Quest: How to play and win”

    1. I have only completed the quest once and I did it fairly quickly . It was because I started with 20 billion coins. That is the trick if you ask me. As long as you have a lot of coins when you start and definitely more coins than what the mission requires you should be good to go!

  1. I’ve just won a gold card on viking quest but it’s one ive already got and already got 24 of them, I’m up to Spain and the gold card was for Japan, is this right bit disappointed

    1. It sometimes happens. All the Times when you have only one unlocked, but sometimes when you have just opened a new set. Try complete a village or get a blank card in the set. This will do the trick.

      1. If you want to be sure you get the gold card you want from viking quest you need to have one open whire card in the collection along with an open gold card, if you do, that will be the gold card it will seek If not it is the luck of gold card draw whether you already have it or not.

  2. I play viking quest all the time now for gold cards as it’s cheaper than buying them,I’m on level 174 ! I started a cloned account to stack coins for viking quest while I delete all the friends I dont need on my old account,I have to say iv managed it everytime np I had no clue about the game I only used it for 3 minute free raids when spinning hi 🤦‍♀️ now I understand it ,long it may take but I sit on the lowest level and the losses and wins about evens itself out now I understand it I dont know what level you get to recieve it for my cm2 account 🤦‍♀️ if looked on the websites but I cannot remember that far back in my game as to which level it appears and can find nothing on it ,if you find sitting on the lowest level long just do to first gold card its easiest past this it’s time consuming my first full one took 12 hours all the wheels hit are 2/3 all the time it took forever to get it done ,but I did it 🤣🤣🤣 anyone here know what level it starts on for me to get on my cloned account if not added anyone only bots can hit me cloned a fb account with no friends 🤣🤣🤣

      1. I have saved earned coins to > 275 billion. I sometimes spend them to complete a level, but mostly use it for quest. While I don’t get all my coins back, the reward of gold cards and spins is worth it.

          1. You only get raided a percentage. If you have billions what are millions to you? They can’t take all the coin, in raids the most I’ve seen one person be able to raid was 50,000,000 then if foxy helps that’s 100,000,000 still a drop in the bucket if you have say 100 bil. I try to right now Keep mine above 100 bil. I have 2 one level 160 the other 135. I actually just started another and just barely on level 45 and I’ve just now gotten over 1 bil and I only have my other accounts as friends so they tend to only get raided by them but occasionally it does get hit more. I’ve been watching and even though I’m not quite over 2 bil yet, I should be about 5 bil today, after 4 days whatever has raided has yet to take it down under a bill. I think that’s why a lot of people don’t stack because of the fear of being raided, believe me its much more fun with billions. 😉

  3. Love coin master it helps stress, then unless you have loads of money you can do loads of comps an quests but if you go looking for freebies you end up with survey or your bank card details getting used, rite now I’m trying to get £59.99 from a gym in Ireland who took money for membership. I live in Scotland so beware of fakes
    Only if it was made easy to get freebies with out worrying about Ur bank account

  4. I tried something new, I started with 10 million and loaded up on the 1.5 million that give you. I did minimum bet and made it all the way to level 6 without touching my phone except for collect gift. It took 7 hours. Then I went in there with 2 billion and could not finish the last level.

    1. Just spent 4 billion to least level then 9 billion on last level and I did not even complete it! It’s the bonus wheel part, and after spending
      9 billion, I was 29.8% complete so at that rate I’d of needed 27 billion just to compete the last level. I’m only village 89!

  5. Playing the quest is a waste of money and all that unless you’re very very lucky there’s RARELY anyone that gets to the top top level And I’m pretty sure that’s what most people play for I’ve had coin master for not even a month yet on level 70 but I understand the game fully. At first with the quests popping up I’d keep trying and trying then I realize I’m jus wasting my money and spins so jus get you’re money and level up you’re villages get you’re daily items the higher you get with it the bigger the prizes are like even the joker box’s that gives you 1k spins any card of you’re choice and money and you can only do the quest if you’re level 50 and up 🙂

    1. I have completed the last 4 Viking quests to the end now and each time received a gold card to complete a set. And when the next one starts I will get a card to complete the toys set which gives 8k spins. I’ve had over 70 billion coins though and just done max bet all the way. My biggest loss was 11 billion down from what I started with but gained 10k spins for completing it and receiving card to complete set. Easily don’t if you can stack coins.

      1. Andria Vansyckel

        I agree with Steven. I almost always complete Viking Quest. I always bet the max bet and have no trouble completing every level except the final level. You can loose alot of coins on the final level but completing it is worth all that are lost. Tip… don’t attempt to go above the 1st gold card win unless you have stacked your coins. You won’t get too far.

    2. I would have to say I disagree – I use method 2 (brute force) and I have finished my last 4 quests. My first time it cost me 44b, the second and third time, around 12b, and 22b respectively. The last one was a killer as it cost me 53b, however, my CM friends are good target as they all offer me a 30m – 50m target for raids and with the 5000-7000 spins I get from completing the quest, I can easily get my coins back.

      I play at 100x – I will only play at a lower spin if I NEED to get to a reward and I’m low on spins.

      I currently have 230b coins and just waiting for the next village discount to build 155-160 :).

  6. pieter coetzee

    I am so unhappy with this viking Qwest I had more than 3500 spins when I started but no victory got less than half way with the final level and I threw all my money in it ( what a waste) and disappointment can’t even tell how many billions but it more than 5 😭😭

  7. I have a question. A friend of mine told me to stack coins and spins for Vikings.

    She told me that if you finish it. Not only do you get your 2nd gold card, but you also get all the coins spent to get there. Is this true? Can anyone confirm this?

    I usually only go to 1st gold card but I have tried to get the 2nd card a couple times without success.

    I want to know if you do get all your money spent back because then it might be worth attempting it.

    1. your reward is usually a couple billion but that depends on what level your on., usually 5,000 some, the gold card, some xp, and pet food. So no you don’t get all you put in back but you do get 5,000 spins and the other stuff. What some of the others may also be talking about is s few weeks ago they changed it up and instead of 5,000 spins i had 25,000 to shoot for. That round cost me 100 bil but I made it barely.

      I did have quite the game on my other account that day that still leaves me baffled. I actually completed that first gold card up 4 bil in coin than what I started with which is totally unusual. From my experience I can usually get to the first gold with spending about 1 bil, bring to the last leg for the second one there usually cost me anywhere from 20 to 30 bil.

      The day I got actually all the way to the last box before the last gold card spins (and yes can take hours if your not auto spinning) in was actually up about 10 bil. I was shaking my head because here I was just spending 100 bil on my other account. When all was said and done I completed that viking got my gold card and my 5,000 spins and left with 28 bil more than I started with. Hadn’t happened since.

      Youn don’t try anything other than what is offered as rewards while attempting to conquer. I always if you can at least get your first one everyone can usually do that.?. Then if you don’t have at least 30 bil don’t go further. I have completed with as little as 11 bil but that’s rare.

      You can only complete if you are stacking coin.

  8. Charles Steel

    I’ve spent over 8 billion in coins and only got to 46 percent on the last level in viking quest???can you help???

    1. 8 billion is way too low to play. Make sure you have at least 20-30 billion if you go for the second gold card!

        1. Is actually pretty easy to start stacking it’s mostly getting over your own self talk of being raided to zero it doesn’t happen like when you are doing the little stuff.

  9. I’ve found that you need at least 10 billion in coins and I bet 80 million then 40 million until I win or run out then I’ll stack up 8 or 9 billion again and do it again but I’ve won 8 or 9 tournaments that way but only on the last level

  10. Hi there! So I’ve played Vikings Quest a lot and here is a proven method which I can freely share with everyone and works 100%!
    -First, you need to stack a good amount of coins as this will be the PRIMARY source of spinning here. It would be a good amount if you have 50-60 Billions and up.
    -Second, play at a MAX bet on all the missions except for the LAST one which is the Grand Prize as a different strategy is applied here.
    -Lastly, play at a MIDDLE bet (20M) for the last mission and let the spinning to its course. You have to be extra patient as this will take a lot of time depending on how frequent the Bonus Wheel will show. But do not worry, as this will surely finish your mission and save a tantamount of coins versus doing a max bet.

    Hope this helps.

    1. I found that the people complaining of losing the most coins were the ones who put it on autospin on Max bet. If your careful and strategies you can get out cheaper. Today on one i got done with 16 bil total spent. I was trying something different today. In actually did max bet auto spin all the way through to the last level then the first 50 % of the wheel i bet the second from lowest bet on auto and for the last 50 % i bet the second to the highest on auto. Higher bet wheel is few and far between but usually larger, the smaller the bet the more frequent the wheel came but it was mostly 2 and 3 x. All in all when comparing they only came out about 20,000 difference in coin spent.

  11. Ophelia Dragomir

    Hello Eric,
    Can you please tell me what VIP membership means??
    My bet level increased suddenly to 500 and the value of prizes as well.
    For example, the big prize for Viking Quest is.. 20000 spins
    I wasn’t told anything. Just happened. I spent more than 140 billion coins to do the Vikings and… I failed!!!

    Thank you for all your support

    1. VIP means that you are eligible for bigger rewards and more gifts. You also have a peronal account manager who has rewarded you VIP. I heard it more often that when you are a VIP Viking Quest can be real pain. Other event rewards get better though. I am not a VIP myself, but maybe a VIP visitor on this page can tell you the details, or maybe you can ask you account manager.

      1. Gr8 Lord Shahumatala

        How do you get VIP status or an account manager? More importantly does anyone here know the Viking Quest schedule. My problem is that I’m never prepared when it comes around.

        Before I go here’s a tip for you guys to get a huge raid (Not for Viking Quest). At the beginning of your Daily spin. You want to spin at the Max and within 5 spins you get a raid. So, how can you tell when the beginning of the day is? Usually, if you have a pet and you’ve been awarded food for your Pet you will find the bowl next to your pet that how you can tell. So, if the next person for you to raid has a high number of points and you have enough coin to raid them say at a max 200 and they have about 49 million then you’re gonna get a huge amount of coins. Even better before you spin, feed your Pet Fox first. Hopr this helps someone. Cheers.

  12. This shitty Quest is designed for ppl to Pay $ for spins/coins just like the whole game.

    I know it’s tempting to play it but i suggest ignoring it pretty much, just get the first gold card and leave it.

    Whatever you gonna invest into Vikings you will end up getting less, for example if you decide to complete Vikings and spend let’s say 10K spins gathering the coins from “big raids” etc you probs will end up having 10-20B coins if you’re around 110 level, then if you win Vikings which is still not 100% you will get 5K spins and pretty much you’ve wasted 5K spins for nothing. If you do not win then you just wasted 10K spins for absolutely nothing.

    I don’t count the card collection completion bonus because it’s alot more “profitable” to complete the collections while opening chests or during gold trade event.

    On another hand if you have lots of coins ( 100B+ ) and you’re lazy to spend it on village/chests then ofc you can play Vikings for getting more spins.

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