Cards for chests

Cards for Chests: Free Spins and Joker Card

t me Coin Master Cards for Chests. What is better than to get your special chests for free? this means free spins, free xp, free pet food and free cards. And as the most amazing bonus: you have a chance of getting your next Joker Card. But how are these amazing rewards Free? Since you only have to trade your duplicate cards this won’t cost you anything. In this post I tell you everything you need to know when and how to trade your duplicate cards for new amazing rewards.

Trade duplicate cards for chests

All duplicate cards you get from chests are saved for you. You see them as the number of extra cards in your card collection. Of course you can trade these cards with friends of give them away. But a better way to spend these is to trade them. Each of your duplicate cards has a value in stars. The total amount of stars your cards have is the number of stars you can use to buy chests. Each chest has a different value in stars you need to pay. If you get above the threshold you can buy a new chests.

Different types of chests from cards

Coin Master Cards for chests

You can trade your cards for three different types of chests. The least expensive chest is the Emerald Chest. This chest will cost you 75 stars. The second chest is the Sapphire chest. This chest costs you 750 stars. The best chest you can buy is the Ruby chest. But this chest costs you 3000 stars. In the table below you find the rewards per chest. The numbers can change a bit due to the village in Coin Master you are on.

Emerald ChestSapphire ChestRuby Chest
Cards4 cards6 cards8 cards
Spins10-100 Spins50-500 Spins100-1K Spins
XP300-3K XP1.5K-15K XP6K-60K XP
Joker Card1 out of 50 Chests
Cost75 Stars750 Stars3000 Stars

Time between trades

After you have traded cards for chests you have to wait a certain period to trade again. For an Emerald chest this period is 24 hours, for the Sapphire chest this period is 3 days and for the Ruby chest this period is even 7 days. You can skip this period by paying with coins. Of course the Emerald chest is the cheapest with only 200 million coins. The Sapphire chest will cost you 500 million coins and the Ruby chest 800 million. After you pay this you can trade your cards again.

When do you trade your cards for chests

It looks very attractive to trade your cards for chests when you have enough spare cards to trade. But this is not always true. Because you can play in different tiers you don’t want to trade if your spin stock is already in higher tiers. Trading cards will make your missions even harder. Also it is a good plan to use your cards for chests if you have used more spins on a mission than you had planned (or even when you have used them all ;-).

Have you traded your duplicate cards?

Did you trade your duplicate cards in cards for chests? Did the rewards make you happy? Please let me know your experiences in the comments. If you need Free Spins, by the way check out our daily Free Spins links.

7 thoughts on “Cards for Chests: Free Spins and Joker Card”

  1. How is it that some people can hoard billions of coins without being raided before building their village? Is there a way/trick used by them?

  2. I have just started playing Coin Master and it is a really fun game. I am trying to learn how to get free spins and good for my pet fox.

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