over 100 players can now raid you

Over 100 players can now raid you

Over 100 players can now raid you is a notice you see in Coin Master if you have stacked more coins than “is allowed” for the level you are on. What this means and what you can do about this I tell you in this article.

Over 50 players can now raid you

over 50 players can now raid you in coin master

If you stack coins to build a village at once or for completing Viking Quest you want to have a lot of coins. Billions of coins. By the way, if you need free spins to stack coins make sure you get your daily free spins here! But Coin Master doesn’t allow people to stack coins or spins. That is why they have build in a mechanism to prevent excessive coin stacking. If you pass their limit first you see the message “Over 50 people can now raid you”.

You get raided a lot now

After a few minutes you see people raiding you notices every few seconds, causing your coin stack do decrease fast. This will continu until you have coins below the limit. Then the message that over 100 players or over 50 players can raid you now will disappear.

Over 100 players can now raid you

If you continue stacking coins the message will change a bit. It says that even over 100 players can now raid you. At this time people raid you even more and more often.

Above which amount of coins do I get this warning?

The amount of coins that sets your limit differs per level. The lower the level the lower the amount of coins you are allowed to have. If you are around village 75 the limit is around 18 billions coins. If you are around village 160 the limit is 175 billion coins.

How to prevent over 100 players raiding you big time

You cannot protect yourself from being raided. But you can minimize the chances of losing your well-earned coins. First, find your limit. Keep playing until you get the warning. Then buy some chests until you don’t get the warning anymore. You should be good for your next goal without being raided too often.

At what village and what amount of coins did you get the over 100 players warning?

Let’s help each other by telling what are the coin stacking limits in Coin Master. So tell me in the comments when you got this message and how many coins you had stacked at that moment.

25 thoughts on “Over 100 players can now raid you”

    1. Tawnee Littlewolf

      I’m on village 174 and I got the notice every time I got too 550 billion coins. I built to 176 then the notice went away

  1. Anushka Flemming

    I’ve never got the warning and I am on level 118. As soon as I have over 1B coins the incessant raids start and don’t stop til I have 100,000 or less…then the incessant attacks start. Its nuts and frustrating to see my friends with 200B and tons of spins and I can’t get over 10B without having it all taken while I’m sleeping or working and rarely get more than 150 spins when trading in the card stars/chests for spins and coins.

    1. You will need to know the spin patterns for events. When you find those patterns for the events you will win lots and lots of spins. Make sure to read if the events should be played/if the come back is worth the spin loss. Im on 97 (because I don’t want to build past 100 due to the viking tiers.) with 50B and 9k spins. I used to be the same as you but you need to have friends that also stack so you can raid them too.

  2. I am at level 144(tactically I don’t wanna go higher for now)
    I now own 514 billion coins and I received this warning for the very first time in my game life, it started to appear at 506 Billion.
    I massively got raided per second but this is a greedy hell of a game and doing what they want is absolutely a gain for them not me.
    If I did not find a way to keep stacking more than losing I’ll quit the game.

  3. I wish i could get more help on this game half the time stuff dont show up i dont get the 🎁 from anything most the time its not let complete AR level up anything I love this game I like playing it but it’s getting to the point where I don’t want to play no more and I don’t see how one person can attack one person 20 X Arrow it’s like they are hacking the game I don’t get extra spins I can’t get no new cards because it don’t give me any new cards and it’s hard to complete the Viking Village Quest please help me

  4. Level 55 and got 30 people can raid you, limit 2,5-2,8 billions. I cant play viking with 2,5 need 10-15 Bills so level up it is.

    1. Keep leveling up til you get to near 100 dont go past. (unless you already have). All villages under 100 will always be 20B atleast.

  5. I am at level 150(tactically I don’t wanna go higher for now)
    I now own 138 billion coins and I received this warning for the very first time in my game life, it started to appear at 138 Billion.
    I massively got raided per second but this is a greedy hell of a game and doing what they want is absolutely a gain for them not me.
    If I did not find a way to keep stacking more than losing I’ll quit the game.

  6. I’m at level 141, I received the alert as soon as I pass over 100billions, I got raided over 40times in 5min

  7. At level 43 and 1.7B I got the alert that 30 people can now raid me. I started building. Between each village I would switch to buying chests and the alert would pop up so I would build more. The alert stopped when I got under 1B.

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