Arena of Warriors

Arena of Warriors – Ultimate Coin Master battle

In the Arena of Warriors event you battle against a random opponent. If you win you get a nice reward. If you lose, you can just battle again and try to win the reward. In this post I tell you how you beat your opponent and what strategies you can use to maximize your winnings.

What is Arena of Warriors

Arena of Warriors is a side event during a main event like Raid Madness or an all symbol event like the recent Valentine’s day event. Battles last for 30 minutes. In these 30 minutes you need to reduce the points of your opponent to zero. These opponents are randomly chosen by Coin Master. But don’t forget, your opponent has the same mission as you: to destroy you.

Arena of Warriors Guide

How to reduce points

There are two ways to reduce the points from your opponent. The first method is to play Coin Master and get an attack. If you attack an opponent the number of spins you have selected in the spins multiplier is deducted from the points total of your opponent. This means that if you use the 150x spins multiplier the points total from your opponent is lowered by 150. The second method is also by playing Coin Master, but now you get a raid. The number if spins in the spins multiplier is multiplied by 3. This means that if you play with the 150x multiplier the number of points deducted from the points total of your opponent is 450.

The missions in Arena of Warriors

  • Mission 1: 150 points, win a seasonal chest
  • Mission 2: 250 points, win spins
  • Mission 3: 500 points, win a seasonal chest
  • Mission 4: 1000 points, win a special chest
  • Mission 5: 3000 points, win 1 token
  • Mission 6: 7000 points, win a mystery chest
  • Mission 7: 16000 points, win 3 tokens
  • Mission 8: …

What can you win

In this battle event you can win various rewards. These are spins, seasonal chests, Thor’s tokens, special chests and maybe other rewards I haven’t seen yet. Every mission you complete the rewards get bigger.

Arena of Warriors - Winner

Strategies to win Arena of Warriors

There are two things that are essential for this event. First, the missions get harder if you advance and the rewards are nice, but not worth to spend all your spins on. Second, your opponent will try to destroy you too. So, with this information in mind stick to the tactics below. If you need more spins first to build op your coins stack, check out free daily spins links!

  1. Keep in mind that raids will multiply your attacks by three. So, if you think a raid is coming, increase your multiplier.
  2. The first few missions are easy. Try to complete them at once. This way you prevent your opponent from attacking you and you losing attack points.
  3. You have 30 minutes to complete your battle. If you follow a strategy where you start with a low multiplier and than move up you might not win the battle. That’s fine. Just forget about this mission and focus on your strategy. If you still win a battle that’s.
  4. Make sure you have enough spins to play. If you need more spins, just look at the daily free spins links.

Do you have tips on how to play Arena of Warriors

What are your thoughts about this event. Have you played? Have you won? Share your thoughts and gameplay tips in the comments. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Arena of Warriors – Ultimate Coin Master battle”

  1. I do not even like to see the Arena of Warriors event pop up. I do not want to play it, as I sm normally focusing on something else already.
    I feel like it forces me to play. And even when I ignore, “x” out or back arrow to get away from it, it “plays” me anyway. It’s not something I want to participate in. Do I have a choice?

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