Rewards Calendar

Reward Calendar: new free spins feature!

The Reward Calendar has arrived. This new feature in Coin Master has been tested a few months ago by a few happy Coin Master players and I bet it worked. And of course it does, since you get a free reward, every day. At least, if you login each day. The free spins in the calendar are a nice addition to the daily free spins! And nice to know that as from today you can open the reward calendar directly from the menu!

Daily Free Spins, Coins and chests in Reward Calendar

Rewards Calendar Unlocked

The Reward Calendar in Coin Master has a gift for you every day for 30 days. The last gift is a mystery box. And we like that! The other days you get a free bunch of coins, spins or chests. Or at the end of every week: a collection of coins, spins, xp and pet food. This Reward Calender is definitely a feature you have to login for every day.

What rewards do you get?

The rewards you get depend on the village you are at at the moment. The higher the village, the higher the rewards. This is a good thing, since you need more coins to build your villages as you get ahead in the game.

My rewards in Reward Calendar

Reward Calendar Rewards

I am at village 197 at this moment. My rewards are:

  1. Coins
  2. Spins
  3. Coins and Spins
  4. Spins
  5. Coins and Spins
  6. Coins
  7. Coins, Spins, XP and Pet food

Everyday you play you get the next rewards, but if you miss one than you have to start over again at the first reward. That is too bad, since the seventh reward is the biggest. Besides these daily rewards from the rewards calendar, there are the rewards in the timeline. These rewards go on every day you open the app. If you miss a day it is not a problem. The next day you open the app it counts on. So on the 8th day you open the app you get your first reward of coins and spins. In day 15 you get another gift of coins and spins and again on day 22. The final reward is on day 30. On this day you get a mystery chest. In this chest you get a lot of spins, coins, xp and of course some good cards! If you decide not to play for a long time you make sure you play the Back in Business Kit event!

The reward calendar

To summarize the reward calendar:

  • There are two kinds of rewards in the reward calendar.
  • 1 reward for every second consecutive day. The seventh reward is the biggest. If you miss a day you start over again
  • A reward on every 8th, 15th, 22th and 30th day. Counts on every day you open the app. If you miss a day, no problem. Counts go on if you open the app again. Reward on the 30th day is a mystery chest. Go for it!

What were your rewards

What rewards did you get in Rewards Calendar? Let us share and learn what the rewards are for the village you are at!

46 thoughts on “Reward Calendar: new free spins feature!”

    1. Me to completed day dat yesterday got cards 450 spins and joker card thanks coin master does calande r start over

        1. I go into Coin Master every day sometimes maybe once a week I see the reward calendar. Is there a way I can pull up the reward calendar so that I get credit for going in every day consecutively?

        1. I need more spin of course 😊 also the rewards when you passed to the next village should be bigger, you spent so much, billions, and you receive 25 spin 😪 and wodden chest 😔

    2. Debbie Roberts

      I try reading all about Tips, Game Strategies, but still struggling to come out ahead. People come from out of nowhere it seems when I am trying to reach a goal. They clean me out how convenient since they don’t exist when I look them up on Facebook Settings for blocking people. Where do they go? Why can people who have no stars, or an empty village Raid or attack a person like me. I have worked hard and many hours to get where I am on the Leaderboard. Please consider changing the problem within the game settings on the Developers side.

      I ❤ playing Coin Master. It’s the only game I play

      1. Ik vind de spel heel leuk .
        Lekker om te ontspannen.
        Bij verwisselen krijg je amper een nieuwe gouden kaart.
        De gouden moeten we ook net als zeldzame kaarten krijgen.
        Vooral wanneer je de kisten kopen.

        1. I got two messages to collect rewards one this morning at 2 am and one just a couple minutes ago to collect spin bonuses and never acquired them

  1. Love this game, but the higher the level the harder it is to get the card’s and the spins needed to complete a village. I have spent a lot of money on this game to get to the level I’m at now. I can’t afford to spend any more money. I’m about to retire from Coin Master. Thanks for the ride it’s been fun.

    1. I feel the same way. So very expensive and I never have enough spins. The posts for a lot of spins have never worked for me. I have seen others with large amounts of spins and coins but there are all kinds of sequences you need to know when to use. You’re not alone best of luck.

  2. Tammy L Battaglia

    I just had a friend download the game and I got zero spins for it I get cheated spins and cash here and there and they never want to fix the problem I love the game but they should try and keep there players happy I understand they like people buying stuff but when you earn the stuff u should get it

    1. I agree there’s never a resolution just excuses I’ve bought hundreds of magical chest before I finally get a new card i have hundreds of several cards i think it’s only fair that you change the same old cards time after time i love the game I’ve even had raids that my fox didn’t even show up and he had 2 plus hours left to go i don’t understand iy

    1. There’s a list you can google it” Is there a list where cards may be in coin master” It should give you the list then ask for list of boom villages. Hope this helps.

  3. Ich finde das Spiel auch sehr Interessant! Das was ich schade finde das je weiter man kommt desto schwieriger wird es die Münzen zusammen zu bekommen um ein Dorf auszubauen. Es ist auch kein anderes Glücksrad mit höheren Belohnungen da oder man muß dafür viel zahlen. Ich bin am Überlegen ob ich das Spiel Deinstaliere,weil es für mich fast unmöglich is neue Spins zu gewinnen oder sonstige Belohnungen die mich mehr dabei Unterstützen. Habe viele Freunde im Spiel hinzugefügt,bekomme am Tag von ca 50 Personen höchstens 4 Spins.

  4. Please can you tell me what level do you get the rewards calendar I have just started this game on my tablet.i have another account on my mobile phone which I cannot play as it is in for a repair 😭 hence playing on my tablet.i am on village 6 on tablet, and level 83 on mobile phone please can you help me, thanks.

  5. I agree 100% they need to give your more spins for your money 15.00 and all you get is 800 spins is a rip off I think if you spend it then you should get it after all us cash paying players keep them in business just saying love the game

  6. I need more spin of course 😊 also the rewards when you passed to the next village should be bigger, you spent so much, billions, and you receive 25 spin 😪 and wodden chest 😔

    1. I agree!! And the other thing that needs improvement is the amount of spins you get under village master I have completed a village only to get 80 spins when others are getting 500-900 spins just not fair when you’re in the same group of villages.😥

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