Gold cards tricks in coin master

Tricks to get more gold cards from chests in Coin Master

You need golden cards to complete card collections. These cards can only be traded during Gold Trade Events, and only the cards that are mentioned in that event. Therefore it is best to get these cards from chests. Some gold cards appear very often in chests but there are a few that are rare. In order to get these you have to buy a lot of chests. There are, however, a few tricks that people say you should use to have a higher chance of getting these rare gold cards. In this coin master free gold cards link I share a few of these with you.

Buy Chests in all villages

Besides which trick  use it is always a good idea to buy chests in every village. Gold and rare cards are spread over villages, so if you advance too quickly you will be missing out cards you will find harder to get in higher villages. Only if you don’t find new cards in about 1-1.5 billion coins then move to the next village.

For every tip on this page, it is important to be fully stacked. These free spins can help you with this. Get your daily free spins before they expire. Also, sometimes you find a Coin Master Golden Card Link between them! Don’t forget to take these cards! And please don’t get fooled by going for the Coin Master ads. These are not value for money.

Coin Master Cards hack

It’s important to emphasize that hacking or using unauthorized methods to obtain Coin Master cards goes against the game’s rules and fair play guidelines. Coin Master cards are meant to be collected through regular gameplay, events, or trading with other players. Resorting to hacks or cheats not only violates the game’s terms of service but also risks the security of your account.

And it is not necessary. With the Coin Master gold card tricks on this page you are able to collect all gold cards to complete your card sets. Follow the tips on this page and let me know which one suits you best!

Most used trick for getting new gold cards

gold card trick coin master
Screen shot from Coin Master game

The most used trick to get new gold cards from chests is by looking at the stars of the last card you find in a chest. If this card has 1-2 stars than buy a wooden chest. Does the card have 3 stars you should buy a gold chest. If the last card has 4-5 stars you should buy a magical chest.

Other used tricks to get golden cards in Coin Master

  1. When reaching a new village build all objects to 1 star. Then buy chests until you get a new golden card. Then buy a second star to all objects and start buying chests again until you find a new golden card. Repeat this until you have all stars full in a village. But, be sure if you don’t find a new gold card within a few 100 million coins then buy new objects in your village
  2. Buy wooden chests until the last card has at least 3 stars. Then start buying gold chests until the last cards has 4-5 stars. Then start buying Magical chests until you find a golden card as last card in the chest. After this repeat the sequence.
  3. Buy 20 chests of each type. This is kind of an expensive trick, but you could try it. First buy 20 wood, than buy 20 golden chests and end by buying 20 magical chests.

The newest trick to find  a new gold card

coin master gold card trick
Screen shot from Coin Master game

The newest trick I heard of in Coin Master is this.

  1. Build a new village
  2. Spin a minimum of 5 times at 1x
  3. Don’t acquire new stars buy building, or upgrading your pet
  4. After this start buying wooden chests until last card is golden
  5. Then start buying magical chests.

Within 1-5 chests you should find a new golden card. After this buy some more magical chests because it will help you fill the missing non-gold cards.

Probability of getting rare cards from chests

Coin Master is trying to be really transparent with us. So the shared the probability of getting rare cards in chests. Unfortunately they see rarity in the number of stars and not the chances of getting the card. As we see in the Coin Master rare card list the number of stars on a card is not always a measure for rarity, but it can help. You find this probability here.

As there are free spins links to continue the gameplay there are no such links for free gold cards. At least, normally. At very rare occasions there are links to free gold card trades or free chests that contain cold cards. Make sure to use them at your advantage!

Which trick is best for getting gold cards in Coin Master?

I have seen the first and last trick working. But these work best when you need quite a few gold cards. Therefore it is hard to say if these tricks are working or just lucky shots. At least check this Coin Master Golden Card Link once every while. If we find new tricks we will share them with you instantly. You should find for yourself which trick works for you. If you have any new tricks that work for you don’t forget to share them with us! Thank you.

61 thoughts on “Tricks to get more gold cards from chests in Coin Master”

    1. April Rose Griffin

      In the newest trick, number 3, it doesnt make sense to me, it says “Don’t acquire new stars buy building, of upgrading your pet”
      Yet number 2 says build new village…. can some maybe dumb this down for me lol.


      1. I’d love to know what this means as well. If English is not your primary language, author, then ensure your translations are accurate. Have someone double check them. Now, what does the newest trick really mean?

      2. I think this is how it goes..
        1. Build a new village
        2. Spin a minimum of 5 times at 1x
        3. Don’t – acquire new stars, or buy any building, or upgrade your pet
        4. After this start buying wooden chests until last card is golden
        5. Then start buying magical chests.

    2. I need spins and coins been doing everything. Downloaded some much stuff bro get them and was never rewarded

    3. The card I need is the Scarab the one in the Egypt collection i be trying to get this card for so many years and I still haven’t got it and i hope we do a tradeable on that card that I want, if you want to a tradeable on the Scarab please contact me on Face book my Face book name is jawuan liles

    1. You can play Viking Quest now! Can get you 2 gold cards, otherwise buy chests with the tactics in this article! Next event there probably will be a gold trade either, but you must be lucky to get the gold cards you need!

    2. What I found that worked best for me to get gold cards are to build all to one star, then buy just wooden chest’s until you get a gold card. I get gold cards Everytime!!! Then I build all to 2 stars and do the same thing just buy wooden chest’s until you get a gold card. I just continue to buy just wooden chest’s until I’m done buying. I get gold cards no matter what!! usually I get a gold card within 10 chest’s or under. I found the most new gold cards on level 65. I got a massive amount of gold cards and new cards on level 65.

  1. also read – 1 Coin master new event 4year anniversary tips
    2 coin master free spin link | coin master free daily spin link today
    3 how to become a vip member in coin master
    4 Coin master make 30000 spins in a week ( coin master free spin links)
    5 Coin Master Rare Card List And //how to Find It

    1. Please tell me how to find the rare gold cards I understand buying wooden chest until u get one but what else can I do

  2. Please i had add some of friends but i didn’t win free spin

    And i will be thankful if you helped me and send to me 3 & 4 golden card

  3. Thank you so much for posting these tricks!
    I wish I had found you before I’d advanced to Village 115, because my game would’ve really benefitted from your tips!
    Awesome site!
    Thank you so much!💕💕👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    1. Where should I be in my card collection before I move on to the next village. I’m on 115 and just learned these tricks

      1. You can’t get them from a chest. But they can be gifted to you during gold trade times. However it will stay in your card gifts and locked till you unlock its level.
        So only trade with someone you trust in that scenario because you won’t be able to see it and be sure it’s right till you unlock its level.

  4. I would buy until i got a new gold card. It worked for a while but now im not getting very many new gold cards at all. The higher the level i get up to the harder its becoming for me to get anything new at all. My Son is getting new gold cards everytime with building his village to 1 star then buying a wooden until he gets a 3 star card at the end of the cards then buying a gold until he gets a 4 star at the the end of cards then buying a magical until he gets a new gold card then building his village to 2 stars and repeating until village is built.

  5. Hi, I just found this page today and I’m learning a lot. However I need some cards that are not gold cards but it’s hard to find them even though I’m buying the chests. Please help. Thanks

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