Coin Master support: Get your stuff fixed

There are moments when you play Coin Master that something happens that is not how it is supposed to be. For example, if you purchased an item and you didn’t get it. Or if you played an event and you didn’t get the event reward. At those frustrating moments you want to talk to the creators of Coin Master and ask them to make things right. In this post I tell you how you can contact Coin Master Support and what you need to do to have the highest chance of getting what you deserve.

When not to contact Coin Master help

First, there are a lot of moments you should not reach out for Coin Master support. For example if you lost a lot of spins (for new free spins check our free spins page) in an event because you had bad luck or if you cannot get the rare card you need to complete your set this is not something they can fix. The same goes for helping you out with game strategies. At these moments you have to reach out for your fellow players in Facebook groups or the nice readers of this website. Ask them en they will help.

When to contact the support department

Coin Master Support button

There are a few good reasons though when you should reach out to the nice people of Coin Master. I’ll give you some examples.

  • When you made a purchase and didn’t get the rewards
  • At events when you didn’t get your rewards
  • When there is a bug in the game
  • At the moment all your cards are gone (yes it happens)
  • When something is wrong with your account

To summarize, just contact Coin Master Support when something bad happens in the game and it isn’t your own fault.

How to contact Coin Master Support

You can reach out to Coin Master support from within the game. Follow these easy steps.

Time needed: 2 minutes.

  1. Go to the settings page in the Coin Master app

    First click on the menu button and click on the bottom button. You will get to the settings page.

  2. Click on the support button

    If you do, you are transferred to the Moonactive Zendesk. On this page you see all the support subjects.

  3. Pick the subject you need support on

    Read the questions and answers on the support page. If your answer is there you are lucky and can continue the game.

  4. Use the Contact us link on the page

    If your question is not answered you can click on the contact us link. A form opens.

  5. Fill out the support form

    Fill out the support form. Be as detailed as you can, and make sure to send in screenshots as proof. If you have them of course. If you ar ready, send in the form.

  6. Be patient

    A lot of contact requests are made every day. Be sure to be patient. It can take days or even weeks before you get an answer. Don’t resend to soon. It won’t help.

Have you reached out to Coin Master already?

Did you contact the support team already? How long did you have to wait? Did you get an answer? Did you get compensated for the lost spins or coins? Please let me know. You might help someone out!

12 thoughts on “Coin Master support: Get your stuff fixed”

  1. A friend accepted my invite & finished the tutorial, but after two weeks, I still haven’t received my free spins. I haven’t received an email back from support yet.

    1. Sorry Karl, we are not Moonactive / Coin Master. Just fans helpen you play. For technical support please check the moonactive support page.

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