Coin Master Ads

Coin Master Ads: buy or pass

When you play Coin Master ads are thrown in your face all the time. Most people think all those popups are annoying, but what about you? Do you use the ads to get some extra spins and coins or do you use alternative strategies. In this post I tell you more about the ads you find in Coin Master.

What ads are there in Coin Master?

The most common form of Coin Master ads are the popups with offers they think you cannot refuse. These popups get into your face when you start the game. After that you find them at the left side of your screen. The other kind of ad is the ad you have to watch to get an extra spin. Watching this ad doesn’t cost you anything, only a little time. But then again, you only get 1 spin for it. Be careful though if you are watching a video using your mobile data. These video’s can use a lot of data, so it’s better to watch them when you are on wifi.

Should you use the Coin Master ads?

I think there are way better strategies to play Coin Master than to buy spins and coins from the ads in the game. In my opinion the offers are very expensive for the rewards you get for it. Like this, for example. For “only” 13.99 euro you get 680 spins, 35 m coins, 4.7k xp and a special chest. Although possible rewards are quite big, biggest chance you have for low value rewards. And let us look at what you can do with these rewards? Probably won’t get you anywhere nearer to the completion of your village. My personal best way to get extra spins is to use the free spin links.

When do you buy an offer?

Although I think you shouldn’t, I can imagine there is a moment where you buy the offer from a Coin Master ad. This is when you are done in your mission and need only peanuts to complete it. The spins and coins in the offer can give you just the edge you need. But be careful and be wise. Don’t buy offers for every small step you want to take in Coin Master. After all, the price/value is not that good. Important notice: taking the free stuff from an offer is always a good idea.

Coin Master ads on the internet

Besides the ads in Coin Master there are also ads promoting Coin Master on the internet. You find these Coin Master ads when you browse web pages, watch your favorite YouTube video’s or check Facebook or another social media platform. In these ads most of the time famous people perform. People who have acted in Coin Master ads are for example Jenifer Lopez, Khloe Kardasian (and a lot of her family members), Ben Higgins, Charlotte Crosby, Gemma Collings and Emily Ratajkovski.

Have you spend real money on Coin Master ads?

Did you even buy the rewards of a Coin Master add? Did it give you what you needed. Or did you even buy so many offers that Coin Master put you up for a VIP status.

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